четверг, 25 апреля 2013 г.

Pleasure Reading Ch. 73-90

BOOK THREE: INDONESIA (or Even in My Underpants I Feel Different or 36 Tales about the Pursuit of Balance)
Liz arrived in Bali and decided to go to the medicine man. But first of all she decided to stay in the hotel in Ubud, which was in the center of Bali. Then she drove to Ketut. But he didn’t remember her from the first sight, but then he recognized the woman who had been supposed to teach him English. Ketut’s wife had always been very skeptical of Gilbert, until Liss took Ketut’s disintegrating medical notebooks and made photocopies of them all, to protect and preserve the information.  This act finally won over the heart of Nyomo, Ketut’s wife.
Liz also made friends with Yudi. He was an Indonasian, who ended up marrying an American and living in the states when the twin towers were attacked.  The resulting Patriot Act and tightened immigration laws were largely focused on Islamic nations, (which included Indonesia).  He went to register, as he was told to do, and was promptly arrested and eventually sent back to Indonesia.  Now he and his wife are forced to be separated and he doesn’t know where he belongs any more.

1 комментарий:

  1. Well done!
    Liz arrived in Bali and decided to go to A medicine man
    (NO But) he didn’t RECOGNIZE her from the first sight, but then he recognized the woman who had been...
    Liz also BECAME friends with Yudi
